Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committee Members:

  • HON Kwok Lung

  • KWONG Chun Wai, Michael

  • Siu Chun Wa

  • Kam, Eddie Shing Cheuk(Chairman)

The majority of the RC members are Independent Non-executive Directors. The RC makes recommendations to the board on the Company’s policy and structure for all directors’ and senior management’s remuneration and on the establishment of a formal and transparent procedure for developing remuneration policy. 


The RC also makes recommendations to the board on the remuneration packages of individual executive directors and senior management. The RC ensures that no director or any of his/her associates is involved in deciding his/her own remuneration. In order to conform to the new provisions of the CG Code effecting on 1 April 2012, the board has adopted a new terms of reference of the RC on 26March 2012, which have been included on the Exchange’s website and the Company’s website.